Pomskies, Medium Dog Breeds, Information & Guide

Dog is a pet that is desired by most households around the globe. These pets serve two purposes simultaneously. They allow you leisure in your free-time and act as a security guard when you are asleep. However, the thing that really confuses households is the selection of a breed that will be suitable for their family. Small Dog Breeds, Medium Dog Breeds and Large Dog Breeds are the categories that are available to you.

Medium dog breeds like the Pomskies are considered popular amongst these breeds. They have certain features that make them unique from other breeds:


The average size of the Pomsky dogs varies from 18 – 25 inches. This medium size allows these dogs to serve both the purpose of a watchdog and a playful pet. If dog is too small, then they can never be a good watchdog. Again, dogs of huge sizes are a risk to the younger member of the families. Such a size of medium dog breeds allows them to be popular hunting breeds too.


Basic Requirements

If your home has a well-fenced yard, these dogs are an excellent option for you. They run and do their regular exercise in the space that is provided to them.

Better Looking Medium Dogs

This is a debatable feature. Most dog-owners believe that Pomsky dogs available in this breed are better looking than others. They are mixes of Huskies and Pomeranians. If they are brushed and trimmed consistently after a particular period of time, medium dog breeds turn out to be quite fine. Keeping them clean allows a healthy environment to be maintained in your home too. Continue reading Pomskies, Medium Dog Breeds, Information & Guide

Hypoallergenic Dogs Are Great For Families

Those breeds which are considered the most suitable for those going through allergies are known as hypo allergic dog breeds. It’s not that they do not generate dander but the amount produced is very less. That’s why, very few people experience allergy signs when in contact with these breeds. However, no dog is 100% hypo allergic.

It is best to purchase a second or third generation puppy because of the recent trend in poodle mixes. Mostly, puppies generated from the first generation miss out on the characteristics of a poodle, which make them less ideal for allergy suffering owners. The best test to decide on whether the allergies will be affected is to spend twenty minutes in a closed off and confined area with the dog. It is the simplest and best exercise that will save the owner form heartbreak in future. Airedale Terrier, American Hairless Terrier, Barbet, Basenji, Bedlington terrier etc are some of the hypo allergenic dogs available.

However, in its basic senses, to be hypo allergic is to have a diminished tendency to cause allergies. Hypo means less, not none. Allergies are still generated by hypo allergic dogs, but due to their coat type, will typically generate less than others. A hypo allergenic dog will still affect people with severe allergies and asthma. So, there is no such thing called as non-allergic dog. However, there are two coat types that generate a lesser amount of allergies: single coated dogs, which do not have a thick undercoat, and hairless dogs. Besides, even hairless dogs can generate enough dander to have an effect on a highly allergic person. However, plenty of things can be done by a person to diminish allergic reactions to dogs you might have. Diminishing the overall allergies in your home is one way.

Making use of a large room air purifier in the main areas of your home will help, as will investing in a good vacuum. You can check the internet for more ideas. Single coat and hairless coat dogs tend to cause the least allergic reactions. It does not comprise of all single coat dogs however, due to the generation of dander by some single clothes. Also, keep in mind that all dogs generate some amount of dander. Hypo allergic dog breeds just generate less.